As a business, we believe we have a responsibility to give something back, here are some of that charities KYS support.


With more than 970,000 people living with dementia in the UK alone, it is now our biggest killer. This disease was first diagnosed by neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer in 1906, and here we are close to 120 years later. I am not content to sit and wait for a cure, we need to pull together and explore if prevention could be the actual remedy.

Mulenga Foundation

The Mulenga Autism Foundation (MAF) is a parent led non-profit volunteer-based organisation committed to serving families caring for individuals with Autism spectrum disorders in Zambia

JLS - Jedidiah Learning Steps

Jedidiah learning steps is founded on the heart of offering quality affordable education for all. With only a minimal maintenance fee of $5 per term (3months) Jedidiah learning steps has been at the fore front providing quality education for children in the area makeni. 
